Commodore Free 33R1
graphic tally
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Graphic Tally Commodore 16+4
By John Fielden
A demonstration program to show the
use and form of the old fashioned
Tally Mark. An ingenious invention!
That is the tally mark rather than
the program. The latter has been
written in such a way as to untangle
the maths from it. So that bare
numbers don't get in the way for the
beginner to see how the plotting of
screen graphics work.
I reiterate, there are other ways to
write this program that others would
consider faster coding. But they
didn't flunk maths and are on
billions of currency, have big
housing, "loving" wives and the rest
of it. Swipe over for the month. I
will help demonstrate in the next
issue when we concentrate on
generating SOUND on The C16/plus4 how
an extra loop or two, some variable
names, and the use of data statements
not only allow us to repeat ourselves
less, but give a whole new dimension
to the programmes capabilities.
The lines up to 450 create the main
demonstration with Graphics and text
explaining the procedure. 455 to 500
having started with the Graphic
screen reverts back to the 'normal'
text screen to reiterate what has
been said. (not just because I learnt
a new word -init- but to demonstrate
the potential of using multi-screens
-say "Yes John!"). 510- Rounds off
the demonstration.
The GRAPHIC statements occur with a
specifically coded function. Either
consult the manual, if you have it.
Or experiment with your own short
programs. The various errors will
indicate where you're going wrong.
The CHAR statements are a special
version of 'PRINT' where you can plot
the column and row on screen of where
you want to print. Again play around
with short progs. to work this out.
The statement is useable on the
normal screen as well as with
The DRAW statements as the name
suggests prints graphics to screen.
The FOR..NEXT loops slow the program
down. So that the user can take the
information in.